Twig Variables

Twig exposes many variables that you can make use of in template files. Below is a non-exhaustive list of the most frequently used variables. You can have Twig display these variables on your web pages, and you can reference them in your Twig code. In addition to those listed below, enabled extensions may expose further variables for your use.

You can use Twig's filter functions to explore, transform, and format Twig variables.

Variable Description
site.url Absolute URL to the blog. Name of the blog.
site.description Description of the blog.
site.feed_url RSS feed URL for the blog. Email address associated with the blog.
site.timezone Local timezone of the site.
site.can_register true if visitors can register as users.
site.comments_per_page Number of comments per page.
theme.url Absolute URL to the theme directory.
theme.recent_posts() Returns an array of the 5 most recent blog posts.
theme.related_posts(post) Returns an array of 5 posts related to the supplied post.
theme.pages_list() Returns an array of the site's pages.
theme.archives_list() Returns an array of links to the monthly blog archives.
theme.feeds() Generates a <link> for each of your blog's RSS feeds.
theme.stylesheets() Generates a <link> for every file in the stylesheets directory.
theme.javascripts() Generates a <link> for every file in the javascripts directory.
theme.load_time Total server load time to complete this page request.
posts.prev_link() Generates <a> tag for earlier posts in the index.
posts.next_link() Generates <a> tag for newer posts in the index.
posts.paginated Object containing the posts for this page of the index.
post.feather Name of the Feather responsible for rendering a blog post. Unique identifier for a blog post.
post.created_at Timestamp for the creation of a blog post.
post.updated_at Timestamp for the most recent update of a blog post.
post.url The unique URL identifier (slug) for a blog post.
post.slug Synonym for post.url.
post.url() Generates a fully qualified URL permalink for a blog post.
post.title() Generates a title for a blog post from the title (if any) or contents.
post.previous.url() Generates a URL for the previous blog post in chronological order. Generates a URL for the next blog post in chronological order. Unique identifier for a page.
page.created_at Timestamp for the creation of a page.
page.updated_at Timestamp for the most recent update of a page.
page.url The unique URL (slug) for a page.
page.slug Synonym for page.url.
page.url() Generates a fully qualified URL permalink for a page.
page.title Title of a page.
page.public Can the page be viewed without permission?
page.show_in_list Should the page be included in the pages list?
route.action Current route action, e.g. "index" or "login".
now Local time on the web server measured in seconds since the Unix Epoch.
GET GET parameters sent by the web browser when the page was requested.
POST POST parameters sent by the web browser when the page was requested.
sql_queries Total number of SQL database queries to complete this page request.
sql_debug Array of the SQL database queries made during this page request.
reason Defined and contains an error message if a 404 or 403 is encountered.